What is a Fractional CPO?

As a part-time product executive I will work with your team on your product strategy and roadmap in order to ensure initial product-market fit and subsequent scaling. You only pay for the value.

Why work with a Fractional CPO?

If you are launching a product, having a high quality product strategy is crucial. Working with a fractional CPO is especially suitable for startups and projects in their early stages due to the nature of such endeavors - budgets are tight, but experienced product leadership is essential.

Working with the best

Top notch product people are usually not sitting around waiting for someone to hire them. Consultancy is one of two ways to access the elite performers. The other way is having a huge hiring budget and a recognizable brand - unlikely for most startups.

Maximizing ROI

You are only paying for those hours of your CPO’s time that matter most. In other words, you are getting the best portion of value from a highly skilled expert and paying only for that. You are not being charged when your project's velocity is low and blocking the product managers further input.

Reducing Risk

Hiring is a time consuming and expensive process and full-time contracts introduce a lot of risk for the employer. By working with a fractional product manager you set the scope, pay in increments of completed work and can stop at any time without penalties or additional costs. This motivates both sides to maintain a high-value relationship.

What You Get from a Fractional Product Manager?

Relying on an experienced person to lead the discovery of your product MVP, guide the launch, help shape up the product strategy and ensure excellent UX from the beginning is so crucial in the early phases of a new endeavor. It is equally hard to find.

Now you don't have to make the big step of hiring a product manager / CPO on your first day as a team. But you can get the benefits by working with a fractional CPO.

Product Strategy and Launch

Go to market | Product market fit | Business model | Scaling

I will research and understand your competitive environment, business and user motivations and will craft together with your team the best strategy to ensure successful launch and scaling.

This involves assessing your assumptions for the product, doing user research, defining the MVP, launching and evaluating the product potential.

You can see also my Startup Stressor workshop which is part of this process.

Ongoing Product Excellency

User engagement | Key Performance Indicators | LTV

I will establish the necessary infrastructure to measure product performance and user satisfaction.

I will review on a recurring basis the key elements of product strategy and will engage your team in workshops to modify the roadmap as needed.

I will lead user research and team workshops that will impact user experience (UX), Unique Selling Points (USP's) and ultimately the product and operations.

Hire and Train the Team

Product Team Best Practices | Scaling the company

I will work on your product, but will also train your first full time product people. That will lay the foundations for your in-house product team.


Moving on and staying friends

It is natural that in due time you will need a full time CPO onboard - this could be someone from the current leadership team or a new person. I will help you select the right person and will be available to help and support you ad hoc.

"If you want the job done right you gotta use the proper tool" - Shaggy

Why work with Deyan?

Hey, I am not the best product professional out there. But I am proven to be pretty decent and I am not conceited yet /check if this is still the case/. Here's what you will get when working with me: 0.0002%

Diverse experience  

I have more than 10 years strict product experience and have worked on the products of startups and multi-national companies in Germany, Dubai, UK, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, China, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, South Africa and more.

I have left my product impact on companies like Pokerstars, Dubai Airports, H&M, and Porsche.  

My experience is not purely in the product field. I have a financial background, and before my product career enfolded I have consulted for Ernst and Yound (EY) and Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) which has allowed me to explore the countless /and priceless/ business models of our clients.

I have started three companies from scratch and know the deal.

I am a two in a million 0.0002%

I have a real affinity towards user experience research.

Back in 2020 I used to be 1 in a million people who are UX certified by the biggest entity in the field - Nielsen and Norman Group.

Unfortunately, one cannot rest on old laurels for long - currently I am two in a million. Not bad either.

I am a rare mixture of different skills and apply them with curiosity.

Exceptional through testing circumstances which is the mark of a consummate professional. I would work with Deyan again.
Luke Aikman
Nudge Digital /acquired by Manifesto/

If you got this far then you are interested in what I can do for you! Drop me a line and I will send you the first steps from my Startup Stressor template for free.

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